
Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Speech 2018

WALT:Write a convincing speech


Hi my name is Dylan I am going to speak to you about why to trust me with our future hopefully I can convince you.

The first reason I have to be trusted with our suture is all about global warming. Why is there so much carbon dioxide going into our atmosphere and wrecking our ozone layer... ?? Well I will tell you. There are 4 main gases in the atmosphere, there is the ozone layer, carbon dioxide, methane and water vapor. They are all meant to be balanced but they are not. We are burning too much rubbish and that is causing the levels of carbon dioxide to rise by too much. When there are to much of one sort it creates a warmer earth and creates global warming. In 2015 it was the hottest year and 2016 even more hotter! So what do we do, well we need to burn less rubbish and shut down the nuclear power plants. This is one way that we can make a future a better place.

My second reason is all about sustainability and rubbish. Plastic bags should have never been invented. It’s ruining our world by the second. If our world did not have plastic bags that would be a life changer for our generations yet to come. There are 5 vortex in the ocean. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a collection of rubbish in the North Pacific Ocean. Litter ends up in oceans, seas, and other large bodies of water. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, also known as the Pacific trash vortex that spans waters from the west Coast of North America to Japan. One of the ocean vortexes leads to Henderson island off New Zealand. Most off the plastic is non biodegradable and ends up where some of the most beautiful places like Henderson Island for instance an estimated 37.7 million pieces of plastic litter the island and a average 671 items per square metre and it gets even better. 57 species on Henderson island are native and don’t live anywhere else in the world but if Henderson island get to polluted where will the animals go.

The reason why I think animals shouldn’t be in captivity because they need to be them and we should respect everyone even if they can’t understand us. I think that since animals are in the zoo they do not behave as they would in there natural habitat. They should only be captivity if there injured or having trouble giving birth.

Say if out of nowhere you just got took by some people who you didn't even know when you were a newborn. Just imagine if that was you as a young gorilla let's say for instance. People would have taken you just for how cute you would look and take you to a zoo so you would be on show 24/7.
How would that make you feel not known who your Mum or Dad and even your brothers or sister you might of had.
Please do not be that person who is cruel to gorilla wildlife.

Please!! listen to me if you want to have a good future stop dropping rubbish, burning all the rubbish to create more carbon dioxide you know how dumb it is. If you would know what I knew about how our world is failing you would stop immediately.
Please trust me with our future!!

I think I did well on formatting my work out and making is makes sense and I need to make my work bold and easier to under stand.
Lastly I enjoyed learning knew facts about our world and what we need to work on as a team.

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