
Thursday, May 30, 2019


show our school values during team building.

Reflection: today we were trying and making catapults
out of tooth picks and using marshmallow's. The first time we tried our group was lost but we sorted our selves out and our first outcome was not good however our second try was a lot better.

Monday, May 13, 2019

Canva poster

WALT:share what respect looks like at Kaingaroa school.

Reflection: kia tika (respect) is really important because if there was know respect there would be know rules and our school will be crazy and we would not learn.

Monday, May 6, 2019


WALT: find the area of a 2d shape.


Area is the inside of the 2d shape such as square and rectangle ect.
How you find out the equation, say your dimensions on a square is 5cm and 8cm all you do is times 8x5=40cm2. The most important thing is to add cm squared.   
Image result for area
REFLECTION: this was easy and fun.

Friday, May 3, 2019

Skeletal system

WALT: Think critically about texts and respond accordingly.
Reflection: At first I really did not understand what we were doing.
 Once I got started I was nailing it.
 I really enjoyed it and we will hopefully do this again.