
Thursday, October 24, 2019

Wednesday, October 16, 2019


WALT:identify 2d polygons

Tuesday, October 15, 2019


Walt: summarise chapters in a novel

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Monday, September 2, 2019

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Wednesday, August 28, 2019


In professional film making everyone has assigned jobs. When our class does film making we have more than one job. For instance I myself can be an actor and a sound and screen person.

Monday, August 26, 2019


WALT: Solve algebraic equations.

Reflection: This was a really easy task.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019


Walt:take a variety of different camera shots Reflection: This was really fun and I would like to do it again.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Film making

WALT: Create a short film
Reflection: Today we had a expert film maker call Harley and he trained us to be the best. He started off with telling us what each piece of equipment is for and then he assigned us to different rolls. So three people were the directors and another 3 were Camera operator's there more groups that I won't bore you with. If you didn't know what a director does he says turn over then the camera man say camera rolling then at the same time the sound recorder records so its in sync. lastly the clapper loader says scene 1 take 1 then claps it and the scene go's on. There are 5 different camera shots we did today which was establishing,wide,medium close up,close up and the last one is extreme close up. Our one that my group did was we pretended there were rats on the floor and so the actors were screaming in the film. Since it was our first time the video is bloopers.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Why Ihumatao is being occupied by protectors.

Walt: Summarise the text in our own words

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Film making

On Friday for our first film that we made, it didn’t start the best. Our actors were Xtyrling, Seth, Dylan and Jaykahn. Our cameraman was Cameron. Cameron used wevideo to edit it. To share the film we were going to use blogger. It was a really easy task and it was also really fun too. We did not write a script we made it up as it went.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Literacy series

WALT: think critically about a range of texts by summarising and evaluating new information Reflection:for the last two weeks, we have been working and learning about the human brain,zodiac signs,astrology and gravitational pull. Seth and I have been working collaboratively on our slide. We have also been learning about the solar system and what makes a good sleep. I really think that working with a friend is the way to go because the both of you have more knowledge together.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Area of a circle

WALT:find a area of a circle Reflection: This really helped me to work out the area of a circle.

The human brain

WAlT:learn about the brain Reflection: I really enjoyed the scuplt gl making a brain. If you want to learn how to make your very own brain sign up to scuplt gl. I hoped you learnt about the brain.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

How to square numbers

WALT: Square whole numbers Reflection:this was a really easy task and I hope you learnt how to square whole numbers.

Thursday, May 30, 2019


show our school values during team building.

Reflection: today we were trying and making catapults
out of tooth picks and using marshmallow's. The first time we tried our group was lost but we sorted our selves out and our first outcome was not good however our second try was a lot better.

Monday, May 13, 2019

Canva poster

WALT:share what respect looks like at Kaingaroa school.

Reflection: kia tika (respect) is really important because if there was know respect there would be know rules and our school will be crazy and we would not learn.

Monday, May 6, 2019


WALT: find the area of a 2d shape.


Area is the inside of the 2d shape such as square and rectangle ect.
How you find out the equation, say your dimensions on a square is 5cm and 8cm all you do is times 8x5=40cm2. The most important thing is to add cm squared.   
Image result for area
REFLECTION: this was easy and fun.

Friday, May 3, 2019

Skeletal system

WALT: Think critically about texts and respond accordingly.
Reflection: At first I really did not understand what we were doing.
 Once I got started I was nailing it.
 I really enjoyed it and we will hopefully do this again.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Story Board Waitangi

Walt:make a storyboard for waitangi Reflection: I like how we used storyboard again I really like using it

Treaty of Waitangi

WALT:Learn about the treaty of waitangi REFLECTION:I like how we learnt about traty of watiangi again I always like to refresh my memory.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Quote from RIta Marley

WALT:learn the ways of copy right.

Quote appears 24 seconds in.
Who feels it knows it.

Rita Marley 

REFLECTION:It was easy to do this.